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Karjavov Zayniddin Karjavovich , Associate Professor I.F.N. Samarkand State Institute Of Architecture And Construction, Uzbekistan
Nazarov Mustafo Raimkulovich , Senior Lecturer, Samarkand State Institute Of Architecture And Construction, Uzbekistan
Jumanov Sherzod Norboevich , Senior Lecturer, Samarkand State Institute Of Architecture And Construction, Uzbekistan
Olimova Lola Erkinovna , Lecturer At The Samarkand State Institute Of Architecture And Construction, Uzbekistan


In this article, the volume of production, services and their growth in the national economy is determined and analyzed at the macroeconomic level through a system of indicators.  Macroeconomic indicators are used to analyze the state of the economy as a whole, its growth or decline, and draw conclusions.  They help the state determine its economic policy.  The system of macroeconomic indicators allows you to visualize the gross domestic product and all stages of its movement, ie the stages of production, distribution, redistribution and consequent use.  One of the key macroeconomic indicators is GDP.  Gross domestic product is the market value of all final goods and services created in the territory of the country, regardless of who created them for a certain period (one year), on which these topics are discussed.



Macroeconomic indicator, gross domestic product, gross national income


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Karjavov Zayniddin Karjavovich, Nazarov Mustafo Raimkulovich, Jumanov Sherzod Norboevich, & Olimova Lola Erkinovna. (2022). NATIONAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM MACRO AND MICROECONOMIC INDICATORS AND GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 2(04), 203–206.