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Bobomurotov Sirojiddin Mengziyo , Teacher Of The Department, Termiz State Pedagogical Institute Methodology Of Primary Education, Uzbekistan


In the article, the essence of the specific features of the introduction of alternative concepts into the educational process in the teaching of natural sciences in primary education, the principles of choosing materials related to the content of these educational subjects, the interdisciplinary connection of acquired knowledge, skills, skills and competencies implementation in its content, to understand the essence of events and process changes between nature and society, as well as to develop a careful attitude towards the environment, nature, to feel the interrelationship of animate and inanimate nature and to know nature the possibilities of creating interest, the holistic visualization of scientific concepts, the aspects of developing students' thinking by applying them to practice are highlighted.


primary class, students, invariant


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Bobomurodov Sirojiddin Дата публикации 2023/7/9 Журнал American Journal of Pedagogical and Educational Research Том 14 Страницы 74-80

Описание Methods of working with parents and improving their legal literacy, recreational and psychotherapeutic tasks, methods of organizing the first parents' class meeting are explained. Статьи в Академии METHODS OF ORGANIZING THE WORK OF THE CLASS LEADER

B Sirojiddin - American Journal of Pedagogical and Educational …, 2023

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Bobomurotov Sirojiddin Mengziyo. (2023). IMPROVING VARIATIVE CONCEPTS IN TEACHING NATURAL SCIENCES IN PRIMARY EDUCATION. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 3(10), 22–30.