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Volunteering, Social Trust, and Life Satisfaction in China's Young-Old Population: Urban-Rural Disparities

Zhang Li , School of Social Work, Fudan University, Shanghai, China


This study investigates the relationship between volunteering, social trust, and life satisfaction among the "young-old" (aged 60-74) in China, with a particular focus on urban-rural differences. As China undergoes rapid socio-economic changes, understanding the determinants of life satisfaction for older adults is increasingly important. Volunteering, social trust, and life satisfaction are interconnected factors that influence the well-being of older individuals, yet the effects of these factors might vary between urban and rural populations. Using survey data from a nationally representative sample of young-old individuals, this study explores how volunteering behaviors and social trust affect their life satisfaction across different geographical contexts.


Volunteering, Social Trust, Life Satisfaction


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Zhang Li. (2025). Volunteering, Social Trust, and Life Satisfaction in China’s Young-Old Population: Urban-Rural Disparities. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, 5(03), 1–6. Retrieved from