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From Classics to Modernity: Perspectives on The Literary Canon

Namaz Mamasalievich Karimov , Senior lecturer, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Zulfiya Оdiljanovna Karimova , Senior lecturer, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan


This article examines the transformations of the literary canon from classical works to contemporary texts. The author analyzes how the perception and evaluation criteria of literature change depending on cultural and social contexts, as well as the influence of new literary movements on the understanding of classical works. Special attention is given to the relevance of classic literature in the modern world, its ability to captivate new generations of readers, and its role in shaping literary taste.


Perception, classics, moral responsibility


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Namaz Mamasalievich Karimov, & Zulfiya Оdiljanovna Karimova. (2025). From Classics to Modernity: Perspectives on The Literary Canon. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, 5(01), 135–137.