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Forming the Professional Creativity of Teachers of Education Through the Use of Pedagogical Technologies

Orakbaev Zulkander Zinatdinovich , Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, Department of Distance Learning in Humanities and Social Sciences assistant teacher, Uzbekistan


In this article, the essence of creativity, social factors affecting the development of creative qualities in a person, the creative approach of educators and educational activities and methods and strategies of creative teaching, the essence of creativity, social factors influencing the development of creative qualities in a person, the educator creative approach of pedagogues to educational activity is described.


Social factor, creativity, pedagogues


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Orakbaev Zulkander Zinatdinovich. (2025). Forming the Professional Creativity of Teachers of Education Through the Use of Pedagogical Technologies. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, 5(01), 91–103.