History of The Wide Distribution of Imam Bukhary's Work "Al-Jome' As-Sahih" In the Islamic World
Umarov Shukurillo Khursanmurodovich , Doctor of History, Associate Professor. (PhD)., Uzbekistan Imam Bukhari , The head of department, International Scientific research center, UzbekistanAbstract
The history of the authoring of Imam Bukhari's "al-Jame' al-Sahih," the reliability of the narrators after the Muhaddis, the background of the manuscripts, and the progressive stages were all carefully examined in this research. The investigation used popular classical and modern historical sources. Based on scientific-comparative and historical-analytical methodologies, the topic was studied. The narrators of "al-Jame' al-Sahih" and their contributions to hadith science were thus examined, and each narrator's trustworthy narration was examined in light of the available sources. It has been demonstrated by science that there are an infinite number of narrators and that every copy of the work that has reached us is flawless.
It has been demonstrated that Firabri and Nasafi's copies of "al-Jame' al-Sahih" are what are responsible for the work's widespread distribution. The works of the later storytellers in the widely disseminated work were examined scientifically and in comparison, and it was determined through scientific research that the work is devoid of all uncertainties and critiques.
The book "al-Jame' al-Sahih" was modified again and again by muhaddis after Imam Bukhari. The rationale for these adjustments, supported by science, was to improve the work's worth and fix various errors that had been made over the ages by narrators, scribes, and scribes. Simultaneously, a scientific analysis revealed that the flaws and shortcomings mentioned concerning "al-Jame' al-Sahih" are not the author's fault. The tradition of Muhaddis and narrators from Movarounnahr researched the history of the work's dissemination to Movarounnahr, Khorasan, the Arab world, Egypt, Baghdad, Africa, the Maghrib, and Andalusia, among other locations.
Bukhari, Movarounnahr, Sahih
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