Nilufar Djuraeva , Head of the Department of History of Uzbekistan, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Uzbek State University of World Languages, Uzbekistan Alok Kumar , Professor, PhD in Political Science, Delhi University, IndiaAbstract
In this article, it is emphasised that the study of the treatment of women in the history of Uzbekistan and the nature and evolution of the women's movement, women's organisations and the state of the women's movement in the present period is of urgent importance from the point of view of historiography. It is the comparative analysis of the state policy regarding the treatment of women during the period of the former Soviet Union and the years of independence that allows us to understand the colonial nature of the Soviet policy fully. The article analyses the historiography of the topic.
Uzbekistan, state, society
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The scientific journal Vestnik Kommunisticheskoy Akademii (Communist Academy Bulletin) was published from 1928 to October 1935 as an organ of the Communist Academy. Originally called the Bulletin of the Socialist Academy, the first issue was published in November 1922.
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In 1924-1934, it was the organ of the women's department of the UzKP (b)MQ, and it was published as a newspaper in 1924-1926. It was considered the pulpit of the "Attack" movement.
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In fact, the magazine "Yangi Yol" was published from 1924 to 1934 by the women's section of the UzKP (b)MQ, and was first published as a newspaper from 1924 to 1926// Alimova D. Women’s Issue in Central Asia: History of Study and Modern Problems. – Tashkent: Fan, 1991. –P. 11.
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Reporter Hamrooy was minced// New way. 1929. #9. – B.15.
New way. 1926 #7-8. - S.29.
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This commission was established on September 20, 1926 by the decision of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR "to assist in the production and involvement of women belonging to culturally backward nations to the state apparatus, to cooperate with them, and to develop measures to ease their work ” was created for the purpose.
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Alimova D. The women's issue in Central Asia: history of study and modern problems. – Tashkent: Fan, 1991. – P.13.
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