Dilmurod Normurodov , Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History, Senior researcher of the State Museum of the History of the Timurids of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Nargis Kholova , Head of the department of “Funds and Archives”, The State Museum of the History of the Timurids of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of UzbekistanAbstract
This article is dedicated to the description and analysis of 364 Bukhara minted coins out of 1810 copper coins found in “Yangi Sanganak” neighborhood, Parkent district, Tashkent region in 2021, and these coins consist of 6 types. It is noted that they were minted in 1428-1429 under Mirza Ulugbek, at the end of the 15th century during the reign of Timurid Sultan Ahmad, Boysungur Mirza, and during the first decade of the 16th century under Muhammad Shaibani Khan.
Bukhara, Tashkent, money
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