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Dilafruz Salimova , Associate professor of the Department "performance skills and culture", Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan


Thanks to independence, our country is undergoing radical positive changes in the socio – economic and political spheres. The processes of spiritual recovery taking place in our society, education of young people in the spirit of a national idea, recognition of the masterpieces of our national spiritual, cultural heritage are being built on the basis of promoting the use of high-level, modern information technologies. ‎


Teacher and student, music and instrument, performance and competence


The decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 2, 2022 "on additional measures for the further development of the culture and art sphere". // www. ziyonet. uz.

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Dilafruz Salimova. (2024). MEANS OF ORGANIZING MUSICAL EDUCATION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND ITS MAIN ESSENCES. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, 4(03), 42–45.