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Yulduz U. Akramova , Researcher, National University of Uzbekistan


This article talks about some cities of Afghanistan and their significance for other countries, especially for Russia and Great Britain for attacks and the deficiencies in the internal politics of Afghanistan in the 19th century and the contradictions in the foreign policy and the foreign countries. In such a situation, the political mistakes of the Afghan emirs, representatives of the states, and the lack of clear consensus are clearly visible. The fact that Afghanistan is one of the most important zones both geopolitically and diplomatically has caused interest by the major countries. The leaders of the "Big Game" began to use Afghanistan for their own interests, the first and second Anglo-Afghan wars, and their results are presented. Russia and Great Britain were trying to take over Afghanistan for their own interests, and they were succeeding. Below, I have tried to give a partial introduction about the main purpose of foreign countries from learning about Afghanistan cities, roads, and living conditions.


Herat, Persian language, Kandahar


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Yulduz U. Akramova. (2023). CITES OF AFGHANISTAN AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE FOR RUSSIA AND GREAT BRITAIN. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, 3(09), 10–14.