Mohammed Abiodun Lame , Abu Bakartatari Ali Polytechnic, NigeriaAbstract
The employment and wealth generation, competitiveness, and economic strength of a modern nation are all examples of the significant role that entrepreneurs play as agents of economic transformation in every civilized society. There is a growing body of evidence to back up the idea that people tend to be more inclined to take entrepreneurial actions and sometimes even become more successful entrepreneurs when they are exposed to education and training programs on the subject. The ongoing monetary real factors in many creating economies have undeniably constrained approach producers and the scholastics to put exceptionally high need on creating enterprising abilities and information through schooling. This paper aims to critically examine a number of related studies and the literature on entrepreneurial competencies and demonstrates how these competencies can be important and relevant for instructors of entrepreneurship courses in higher education institutions. In light of the surveyed related writings in the review, it was found that speakers should have fundamental pioneering capabilities for powerful educating to their understudies as well as to foster understudies' enterprising abilities and information which are viewed as important for new pursuit the board and new pursuit creation. The following three skills were found to be extremely important for instructors of entrepreneurship: attitudes, skills, and knowledge of entrepreneurship. It suggested that this area of examination ought to be expanded and speakers ought to foster their own abilities so understudies trying in business venture can know about them which can have more noteworthy possibilities in their enterprising achievement.
Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Training, Entrepreneurial Skills
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