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The Importance of Stenographic Analysis in Inclusive Education

Turdiyeva Dilorom Soliyevna , Master student at Termez University of Economy and Service, Uzbekistan
Kayumova Shakhnoza , Scientific advisor, Termez University of Economics and Service, Senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Language and Literature (PhD), Uzbekistan


In the current era, demanding on stenographic writing for disabilities is increasing. This article discusses the importances of stenographic writing for students in need of inclusive education and how it can be applied.  The accept of stenography writing has in the recent past been faced with challenges about how, where, and when it is appropriate to be used in teaching and learning fields. The cardinal purpose of stenographic writing is on examining the impact of stenography writing on students’ writing skills   and their academic performance.  Furthermore, it can ease the teaching and learning process by facilitating the flow of communication and subsequently enhancing especially inclusive learning outcomes.


Stenography, inclusive education, court stenography


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Turdiyeva Dilorom Soliyevna, & Kayumova Shakhnoza. (2025). The Importance of Stenographic Analysis in Inclusive Education. Journal of Management and Economics, 5(02), 8–12.