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Examining the Compatibility of Economic Strategies and Real-World Conditions in the Late Ottoman Empire

Ahmet Kaya , Department of Economics, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
Fatma Yilmaz , Faculty of Political Science, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey


This study explores the relationship between the economic policies of the late Ottoman Empire and the functioning of its real economy. Specifically, it examines whether the political and economic strategies of the state aligned with the underlying economic structures and daily activities of the population. The research investigates key aspects such as fiscal policy, trade regulation, agricultural production, industrial development, and the influence of foreign powers in shaping the economic landscape. Using a combination of historical documents, economic data, and comparative analysis, this study aims to assess the extent to which the policies implemented by the Ottoman state during its later years were compatible with its actual economic conditions and the lived experiences of its citizens.


Ottoman Empire, Political Economy, Economic Policies


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Ahmet Kaya, & Fatma Yilmaz. (2025). Examining the Compatibility of Economic Strategies and Real-World Conditions in the Late Ottoman Empire. Journal of Management and Economics, 5(03), 1–5. Retrieved from