Modeling of The Analysis of The Financial State of The Business Entity
Yakubov Ulugbek Kasimovich , Tashkent State Economic University, Professor of the Department of Financial Analysis, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Uzbekistan Abdullaev Abror Bozarboevich , Tashkent State Economic University, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Analysis, Ph.D., UzbekistanAbstract
The World Bank predicts that Uzbekistan's economy grows by 5.3 percent in 2024, according to the World Bank's new report "Review of European and Central Asian Economies". According to the report, economic growth is mainly due to the continuation of structural reforms. In particular, making large investments in the development of the energy industry has an impact on restructuring of state-owned enterprises and privatization of their assets. Acceleration of productivity growth in economic sectors is considered as an important factor in ensuring stable forecast indicators of the country.
Within the framework of the tasks defined in the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-158 of September 11, 2023 The Strategy of "Uzbekistan - 2030", in order to double the size of the economy by 2030 and "to increase its income from the average in terms of entering the ranks of "high countries", it is important to increase the productivity of 688,345 (as of January 1, 2024) (excluding farms and agriculture) enterprises and organizations operating in the country and their financial stability.
Republic of Uzbekistan, Financial State, Uzbekistan's Economy
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