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Digitalization of Industry: Status, Problems and Prospects of The Sector

Radjabova Sarvinoz Alisherovna , Teacher of Tashkent University of Business and Science LLC, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to the study of the current state, current problems and prospects of the process of digitization of industry. Digital technologies serve as an important factor in increasing production efficiency, efficient use of resources and the introduction of innovative solutions in the industrial sector. The article analyzes the technological, infrastructure and personnel issues encountered in the process of digitization of the Uzbek industry. At the same time, the conditions and measures necessary for the successful implementation of digitization, as well as recommendations developed on the basis of international experience, are presented.


Digitization of industry, technological innovations, digital transformation


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How to Cite

Radjabova Sarvinoz Alisherovna. (2025). Digitalization of Industry: Status, Problems and Prospects of The Sector. Journal of Management and Economics, 5(01), 35–37.