Dolf Eduard Mitteboga , Institute of State Government (IPDN) Jayapura, Papua, IndonesiaAbstract
This study explores strategies for cooperative empowerment in Keerom Regency, Papua Province, focusing on enhancing community development and economic resilience. Cooperatives play a vital role in promoting economic growth and social cohesion in rural areas, particularly in underdeveloped regions like Keerom. Through qualitative research methods, including interviews with cooperative leaders, government officials, and community members, the study identifies key challenges facing cooperatives, such as limited access to capital, inadequate training, and low public awareness. It also examines successful cooperative models and practices both locally and nationally. Based on the findings, the paper proposes a comprehensive empowerment strategy that encompasses capacity building, access to financial resources, market linkage development, and community engagement. The study emphasizes the importance of fostering a supportive regulatory environment and collaboration between stakeholders to strengthen cooperative initiatives. Ultimately, this research aims to provide actionable recommendations that can lead to sustainable economic development and improved livelihoods for the people of Keerom Regency.
Cooperative empowerment, Papua Province, community development
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