Ágnes Kovacs , University of West Hungary, Faculty of Economics, Sopron, HungaryAbstract
In an era where ethical practices are increasingly emphasized in the corporate and organizational realms, the concept of a "moral organization" has gained substantial attention. This study explores the dichotomy between the aspirational ideals of moral organizations and the practical challenges they face in implementation. By analyzing case studies and theoretical frameworks, the research delves into the ethical principles that define moral organizations and assesses how these principles are integrated into organizational culture and operations. The study identifies key barriers to achieving moral standards, such as conflicting interests, resource constraints, and institutional inertia, while also highlighting successful examples where ethical aspirations have been effectively realized. Through a comparative analysis of theoretical aspirations and real-world practices, the paper offers insights into the feasibility of creating truly moral organizations and provides recommendations for bridging the gap between ethical ideals and practical realities.
Moral organizations, ethical practices, organizational culture
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