Nur Azura Kusairi , Centre of Knowledge Transfer and Industrial Networks, University Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia Firkin Mohamad , School of Social and Economic, University Malaysia Terengganu MalaysiaAbstract
This research paper delves into the intricate landscape of social innovation within contemporary social enterprises, unraveling the multifaceted dimensions that transcend traditional boundaries. By examining the conceptual framework that underpins social innovation, this study navigates the dynamic interplay between societal challenges and entrepreneurial solutions. Through an exhaustive exploration, the paper sheds light on the evolving strategies, collaborative networks, and transformative approaches employed by social enterprises. Beyond mere theoretical analysis, the research draws on real-world case studies to illustrate the practical implications of innovative practices. In doing so, it offers valuable insights for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers seeking to enhance the impact and sustainability of social enterprises in the ever-changing socio-economic environment.
Social Innovation, Social Enterprise, Conceptual Framework
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