Rahim Zakaria , Department of Business Administration, Nobel International Business School, Accra, GhanaAbstract
This study examines the impact of leadership style on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and investigates the moderating role of leaders' emotional intelligence in this relationship. Drawing upon the social exchange theory and the trait theory of leadership, the study explores how different leadership styles, such as transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire, influence employees' OCB. Moreover, it explores the role of leaders' emotional intelligence as a potential moderator that can shape the relationship between leadership style and OCB. The study employs a quantitative research design, using survey data collected from employees in various organizations. The findings shed light on the importance of leadership style and leaders' emotional intelligence in fostering OCB within organizations. The implications of the study's findings for leadership development and organizational effectiveness are discussed.
Leadership style, organizational citizenship behavior, emotional intelligence
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