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Theoretical Basis of The Concept of Beauty

Dilfuza Umirova , Tashkent State University of Economics (TSU), senior lecturer, Uzbekistan


This article presents theoretical information on the concept of a concept. Cognitive linguistics is a science that studies the nature of a certain concept in the linguistic representation of the world and its connection with world realities. The concept is one of the main categories of cognitive linguistics, an element that establishes a connection between culture and man. The term “concept” has been used in linguistics since the 90s of the 20th century. The concept of a concept still does not have a single general explanation or interpretation.


Concept definition, essence of the concept, cognitive linguistics


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Dilfuza Umirova. (2025). Theoretical Basis of The Concept of Beauty. European International Journal of Philological Sciences, 5(01), 27–29.