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Khayrulla Toshquvvatov , Lecturer, Uzbekistan state world languages university, Uzbekistan
Alisher Fayziyev , Lecturer, Uzbekistan state world languages university, Uzbekistan


This article explores the cognitive and pragmatic features of paremias in English and Uzbek languages. Paremias are expressions containing wisdom and cultural knowledge that are often used to convey important societal values and norms. By analyzing the cognitive and pragmatic aspects of these expressions in both languages, we aim to uncover the similarities and differences in how wisdom and cultural knowledge are encoded and transmitted through paremias. This comparative study sheds light on the role of paremias in shaping individual cognition and guiding interpersonal communication in two distinct linguistic and cultural contexts.


Paremias, Cognitive features, Pragmatic features


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Khayrulla Toshquvvatov, & Alisher Fayziyev. (2024). COGNITIVE AND PRAGMATIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH AND UZBEK PAREMIAS. European International Journal of Philological Sciences, 4(05), 31–35.