Nematullayev Nodirbek Muzaffar o`g`li , Student of Termez State University, UzbekistanAbstract
The purpose of this article is to share the findings from an in-depth study of literary texts through the theoretical perspectives of prominent scholars in this field from various regions. It emphasizes the significance of literary texts not only for their aesthetic pleasure but also as mediums for cross-cultural and linguistic exchange. Utilizing theories from various scholars, the article demonstrates how literary creations act as bridges between cultures, fostering dialogue enriched with ideas, stories, and aesthetic values. By analyzing theoretical concepts from J. Sullivan, K. Newton, H. Jian, among others, it highlights the dynamic relationship between literary form, ideological content, and reader interpretation. This research enriches our understanding of the multifaceted nature of literature and reaffirms its social function in the global human experience.
Literary texts, aesthetic appreciation, ideological expression
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