Aziza I. Zoirova , Head Of The Department Of French Language And Literature, (Phd) Karshi State University UzbekistanAbstract
The emergence of the three concepts of women's literature - feminism - gynocriticism (as well as gender linguistics in some sources) is characteristic of one era, and their linguistic diagnoses serve to form general principles in science. Also, in the 19th century, not only female writers, and female literary critics, but also individual translators engaged in the translation of feminist works appeared in historical facts. Penetration of the phenomenon of gynocriticism into all fields of science led to the formation of new terms in linguistics. In 1970, Elaine Showalter coined the term "gynocriticism" in relation to women's prose and laid the groundwork for the emergence of a biological, linguistic, psychoanalytic, and cultural model of gynocritical analysis.
women's literature, French feminist writers, works
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