Fayzulla B. Ochildiyev , Associate Professor, Doctor Of Science In History National University Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
The Emirate of Bukhara, considered one of the largest centers of the eastern trading world, had extensive trade relations with India during the second half of the XIX–early XX centuries. In the XIX century, the cities of Bukhara, Karshi, Termez, and Samarkand maintained regular trade links with such important trading centers of India as Peshawar, Shikapur, Bombay, and Molton, along the caravan routes passing through Kabul, Kyrat, and Kandahar. The demand for trade goods from India was high not only in the Emirate of Bukhara but also in the markets of Central Asia. The growing demand for Indian products in the markets has served as an important factor in the development of trade relations between the Emirate of Bukhara and India.
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