Rakhmatov Nuriddin Neggadamovich , Researcher Of Nuuz, Teacher Of Bukhara State Medical Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
In this article, the most important factor that causes human maturity is the health of the great poet, thinker, contemporary of Alisher Navoi, the great poet, thinker, the sultan of the ghazal estate and the statesman Alisher Navoi, who lived during the rule of Timurids. Written about his great attention and views on moral education in addition to high intellect. In his work "Akhlaki Muhsini" (the scientist finished writing this work in 1495), which was famous in his time and dedicated to Abdulmukhsin Mirza, the son of King Husayn Boykara, the ideas of raising a king with high moral qualities and virtues and making the people follow him as an example were embodied. With this work, Koshifi put forward his views on the need for moral people to work in the state system to build a just society based on the rule of law, and on their part to create a person who strives for knowledge, who loves truth and justice, who fights against injustice, who is brave, dynamic, noble, generous, and open-hearted. Therefore, I believe that this work of his, without losing its value, will serve as a great program for educating moral state leaders and specialists in today's developed and developing democratic societies. I also believe that it will greatly help to positively solve the sociological problems that arise in the mutual socio-political relations between the state and the society. will serve as a great program for educating moral state leaders and specialists in today's developed and developing democratic societies. I also believe that it will greatly help to positively solve the sociological problems that arise in the mutual socio-political relations between the state and the society. will serve as a great program for educating moral state leaders and specialists in today's developed and developing democratic societies. I also believe that it will greatly help to positively solve the sociological problems that arise in the mutual socio-political relations between the state and the society.
Preacher,, ethics, manners
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