Vikram Kumar , Faculty Of Humanities And Social Sciences, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Songkhla 90000, ThailandAbstract
: Job satisfaction is an essential aspect of employee well-being, and it has a significant impact on individual and organizational outcomes. University lecturers play a vital role in shaping the future of society by educating and training the next generation of leaders. However, despite the importance of their role, university lecturers often face various challenges that can impact their job satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to explore the key determinants of job satisfaction among university lecturers by examining the relationship between various factors and their level of job satisfaction. A cross-sectional survey design was used to collect data from a sample of 500 university lecturers from various universities in different regions. The results showed that the majority of university lecturers were satisfied with their jobs. The study also revealed that workload, job security, job autonomy, leadership style, organizational culture, and job support were significant predictors of job satisfaction among university lecturers. The findings of this study suggest that improving job-related factors and organizational factors can enhance the job satisfaction of university lecturers.
Job satisfaction, University lecturers, Job-related factors
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