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Kersen Ashrianto , Eleven March State University, Surakarta, Indonesia


Millennials, the "Milepost Generation," have come of age alongside the rise of social media. This paper explores the intriguing relationship between self-observation and privacy boundaries within this demographic. We examine how Millennials navigate the potential conflict between the desire for self-expression and the need to maintain a sense of privacy online. The research delves into the strategies Millennials employ to curate their online presence, balancing the urge to share with the potential risks of oversharing. By investigating this complex phenomenon, the paper aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how Millennials negotiate the boundaries of privacy in the age of pervasive social media. ‎


Millennials, Self-Observation, Privacy Boundaries


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Kersen Ashrianto. (2024). MILLENNIAL SELF-OBSERVATION ON SOCIAL MEDIA: NEGOTIATING THE BOUNDARIES OF PRIVACY. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, 4(06), 1–8. Retrieved from