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Oltinboev Daniyor , Lecturer At The Department Of “Public Law And Management” At Namangan State University, Uzbekistan


The article “Historical context of the development of civil law in Uzbekistan” is an overview of the key stages in the evolution of civil law in Uzbekistan since the country gained independence. The author examines historical events that influenced the formation and development of the civil legal institution, from the Soviet era to the present. The article analyzes changes in legislation and legal norms relating to civil relations, and their reflection in practice. Particular attention is paid to reforms aimed at strengthening the legal framework for the development of civil society and providing citizens of Uzbekistan with greater rights and freedoms. The authors consider the influence of cultural and social factors on the formation of civil law, as well as the role of international norms and standards in this process. The article provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the key issues and challenges facing the civil law system in Uzbekistan, and offers a reflective look at the prospects for the further development of this area of law in the context of modern challenges and demands of society.


civil law, historical context, independence


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Oltinboev Daniyor. (2024). HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CIVIL LAW IN UZBEKISTAN. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, 4(01), 91–94.