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Jurabek O. Chutmatov , Scientific Fellow Of The Imam Termizi International Scientific Research Center, Phd In History Termez City, North Gate, 3. Termez, Uzbekistan


Today, world conflicts arising in various forms clearly demonstrate the importance of the scientific heritage of Transoxiana (Mowarunnahr) in the field of Islamic sciences. One of the most important tasks in their research is to study the heritage of our scientists not in individual cases, but as a whole of the school, to evaluate intellectual development, to clarify the principles of continuity and to determine the general character. Another pressing issue is to introduce into scientific circulation as many works as possible that are still in manuscript form.

The discovery and study of Al-Ḥakīm Al-Tirmiḏẖī’s work on tafsir, considered “lost” by world researchers, was also extremely valuable, as it allowed us to draw valuable conclusions on the formation of the method of tafsir science in Transoxiana. This work and Tirmiḏẖī’s legacy of Qur’anic interpretation as a whole contain many important features. Among other things, he is distinguished by the fact that he combines the rational and traditional method a little earlier than Imam Moturidi, and at the same time he was one of the first in the history of the science of tafsir to describe the conditions of the rational method of tafsir. The work has many other important features and, according to Khalid Zahri, the famous researcher Al-Ḥakīm Al-Tirmiḏẖī, deserves to be considered a great discovery.

This tafsir of Al-Ḥakīm Al-Tirmiḏẖī was researched at the International scientific Research Center of Imam Termizi and published for the first time in Arabic under the title “Kitab Tafsir al-Quran al-musamma Bahr al-tafsir”. An additional part was added to it called “Wa taliyhi muktatafat min tafasir al- Ḥakīm Tirmiḏẖī li-ba’zil ayat”. This work was published in 1444/2023 by “Dor al-Kutub al-Arabiya” in Istanbul. ‎


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Jurabek O. Chutmatov. (2024). ḤAKĪM TIRMIḏH̱Ī’S NEWLY DISCOVERED TAFSIR. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, 4(01), 68–79.