Anvar E. Yuldashev , Doctor of history, professor of the "ICT in Management", department of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ulugbek A. Saidov , Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of ANTIQUE WORLD (UNESCO-Greece), Associate Professor of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of UzbekistanAbstract
This article examines the significance of Afghanistan in shaping the foreign policy of Uzbekistan. The geopolitical proximity of Uzbekistan to Afghanistan has had a profound impact on its foreign policy decisions, particularly in the realms of security, trade, and regional cooperation. Since the emergence of an independent Uzbekistan in 1991, the country has recognized the strategic importance of fostering stable and cooperative relations with its southern neighbor, Afghanistan. This article delves into the historical context of Uzbekistan-Afghanistan relations and analyzes the evolving dynamics in the wake of changing geopolitical landscapes, such as the withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan and the subsequent power shift in Kabul. Furthermore, it explores the implications of Afghanistan's internal developments on Uzbekistan's security concerns, economic interests, and regional integration efforts. The study also sheds light on Uzbekistan's role in facilitating peace and stability in Afghanistan, as well as its engagement in regional initiatives aimed at fostering economic connectivity and security cooperation. By analyzing the multifaceted interplay between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, this article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how Afghanistan factors into the foreign policy calculus of Uzbekistan and the implications for regional dynamics in Central Asia.
Afghanistan, Taliban movement, Central Asia
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anvar E. Yuldashev, Ulugbek A. Saidov

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