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Zinat Dehnavi , Department of Management, College of Humanism sciences, Yazd science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
Jamshidi Ali Hasan , Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economy, Management and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


This study goes beyond conventional assessments of passenger satisfaction in the road transport industry by employing the Delphi Technique. By leveraging the collective wisdom of industry experts through a structured, iterative process, the research aims to identify and unravel the nuanced factors influencing passenger satisfaction. Through a comprehensive analysis, the Delphi Technique offers a dynamic lens to explore and prioritize the multifaceted elements that contribute to a positive passenger experience. The findings provide actionable insights for stakeholders, operators, and policymakers, enhancing the understanding of key determinants that transcend traditional evaluations of road transport satisfaction. ‎


Passenger Satisfaction, Delphi Technique, Transportation Services


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Zinat Dehnavi, & Jamshidi Ali Hasan. (2024). BEYOND THE ROUTE: UNRAVELING PASSENGER SATISFACTION WITH A DELPHI TECHNIQUE LENS IN THE ROAD TRANSPORT INDUSTRY. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, 4(01), 01–05.