Dr Sherzod A. Iskandarov , Doctor Of Philosophy (Phd) In History, Associate Professor Department Of Social Sciences Tashkent Medical Academy, UzbekistanAbstract
This article abstract examines the historiography of the lifestyle and ethnocultural processes of the Uzbeks residing in the Kashkadarya Oasis. The Kashkadarya Oasis, located in Uzbekistan, has been inhabited by the Uzbek people for centuries and has a rich cultural heritage. The abstract explores the existing body of historical research and scholarly works that have focused on understanding the lifestyle and ethnocultural dynamics of the Uzbek community in this region.
By conducting a literature review and analysis of the available sources, this abstract highlights the key themes and trends that have emerged in the historiography of the Uzbeks in the Kashkadarya Oasis. It identifies the major research questions, methodologies, and theoretical frameworks employed by scholars in their investigations.
The abstract also delves into the main findings and contributions of previous studies. It discusses how scholars have explored various aspects of Uzbek lifestyle, such as social structures, family dynamics, religious practices, economic activities, and cultural traditions. It also identifies the factors that have shaped the ethnocultural processes within the Uzbek community, including historical events, political developments, economic transformations, and cultural interactions.
Furthermore, the abstract identifies gaps and areas for further research in the historiography of the Uzbeks in the Kashkadarya Oasis. It highlights the need for more in-depth investigations into specific topics, such as gender roles, migration patterns, linguistic changes, and the impact of globalization on the community's cultural identity.
By presenting an overview of the existing scholarship, this abstract provides a valuable resource for researchers interested in understanding the lifestyle and ethnocultural processes of the Uzbeks in the Kashkadarya Oasis. It offers a foundation for future studies and contributes to the broader understanding of the historical and cultural dynamics of this Central Asian region.
Kashkadarya Oasis, historiography, ethnocultural processes
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