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Аsatov Akmal , Teacher of the Department of Social Sciences, Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan


This comprehensive exploration delves into the profound and diverse philosophical views of Eastern scholars, encompassing Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, and Taoist traditions. Through close textual analysis, interdisciplinary perspectives, and ethical considerations, the study illuminates the interconnectedness of all things, the impermanent nature of existence, and the ethical and contemplative paths to self-realization. By examining foundational texts and engaging with contemporary insights, this research seeks to enrich our understanding of Eastern philosophical thought and its enduring relevance in shaping our comprehension of the human condition and the universe at large. ‎


Eastern Philosophy, Interconnectedness, Impermanence


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Аsatov Akmal. (2024). PHILOSOPHICAL VIEWS OF EASTERN SCHOLARS. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, 4(01), 54–59.