International Journal of Pedagogics2025-01-20T13:35:58+00:00Jenny Micheleieditor@eipublication.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Crossref doi - 10.55640/eijp</strong></p> <p><strong>Frequency: 12 issues per Year (Monthly)</strong></p> <p><strong>Areas Covered: Pedagogics</strong></p> <p><strong>Last Submission:- 25th of Every Month</strong></p> of Pedagogical Skills of Teachers of Future Educational Subjects on The Basis of a Creative Approach2025-01-10T07:48:59+00:00Muydinova<p>This article covers the issues of developing pedagogical skills of teachers of the future discipline on the basis of a creative approach. A theoretical analysis of the essence of the creative approach, its role and effectiveness in the educational process is presented. Methods of improving the professional skills of the teacher are indicated on the basis of the directions of using modern pedagogical technologies and innovative techniques, stimulating creative activity, developing problematic teaching technologies and reflex processes. The role of this approach in the formation of students ' creative abilities has been analyzed.</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Muydinova Durdonakhon required to perform two-factor econometric analysis2025-01-20T13:31:10+00:00Ravshanova Mukhayyo<p>In this article, the author provides information on the selection of factors, the implementation of correlation and regression analysis. The construction of an econometric model is shown step by step. Information is also provided on the stage of generating a regression equation using correlation coefficients and a system of normal equations.</p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ravshanova Mukhayyo Makhmanazarovna AT THE CROSSROADS: REFORMING GOVERNMENT PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN MANIPUR2025-01-01T09:55:30+00:00Rajat<p>This study examines the current state of government primary schools in Manipur, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities within the system. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, it evaluates critical aspects such as infrastructure, teacher quality, student performance, and policy implementation. The findings highlight systemic issues, including inadequate resources, uneven teacher distribution, and gaps in curriculum delivery. At the same time, the study identifies promising interventions such as community involvement, teacher training programs, and infrastructure upgrades. Recommendations are provided to address these challenges and pave the way for a more equitable and effective primary education system. This research aims to inform policymakers, educators, and stakeholders striving to revitalize education in Manipur.</p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rajat Kapoor tooth extraction: features of the procedure2025-01-17T16:25:10+00:00Abdurashidov Oybekjon Abdurashid<p>The third molar (molar) is more often called the wisdom tooth or the "figure of eight" (the third molar is the 8th from the middle of the dentition). It is not preceded by a baby tooth, and the laying does not occur in the prenatal period, but at the age of 3-5 years. The "eight" erupts later than others, when the jaw bones have completely or partially stopped growing between the ages of 14 and 30, sometimes even later. Growth and eruption are completely dependent on the hereditary characteristics of the organism.</p>2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Abdurashidov Oybekjon Abdurashid Ugli of The Scientific Heritage of Thinkers in The Process of Primary Education as A Factor in Shaping the Competence of National and Universal Values2025-01-16T20:15:59+00:00Rahimova<p>This article analyzes the possibilities of forming the spiritual and cultural maturity of primary school pupils using the scientific heritage of thinkers in the process of primary education, as well as the formation of their competence of national and universal values.</p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rahimova F.A. and Conditions of An Integrative Approach to Pedagogical Education2025-01-10T13:34:15+00:00Qambarova Charos Hayitmurod<p>The integration of the didactic process ensures not only the implementation of the theoretical and methodological educational process as a whole, but also the effective conduct of the process. Especially taking into account the lush and uniqueness of the primary education process, the integration of methodological disciplines in the training of future primary teachers ensures an effective course of the theoretical-methodological preparation process.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Qambarova Charos Hayitmurod qizi of speed and strength abilities of schoolchildren through circuit training2025-01-20T13:35:58+00:00Jasur<p>The article describes a technique that allows for rapid mobility improvement based on sensitive periods at a primary school age. The developed technique can be used to increase mobility of 9-10 years old children both in physical education lessons and sport clubs as well.</p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jasur Khurramov of Entrepreneurial Skills in Adolescent Girls Through Family, Community, And Educational Institution Cooperation2025-01-10T07:45:28+00:00Tulaganova<p>The article provides recommendations on the most important components for developing entrepreneurial skills in adolescent girls, which are essential both for themselves and for society. It also presents a general model of the educational environment process for fostering creative entrepreneurial skills and developing entrepreneurial competencies and business activity in adolescent girls.</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Tulaganova Nigora - Symptoms and Treatment2025-01-17T16:31:38+00:00Djumaev Asliddin Abdusamadovichasliddin@eipublication.comIslamova Nilufar<p>The inflamed gum becomes soft, rough, and does not adhere tightly to the crowns of the teeth. According to the World Health Organization, more than 90-95% of adults have inflammatory processes of the soft tissues of the oral cavity, and tooth loss due to inflammation of the gums and periodontium (tissues surrounding the tooth) occurs 5 times more often than from carious lesions.</p>2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Djumaev Asliddin Abdusamadovich, Islamova Nilufar Bustanovna Implantation in Orthopedic Dentistry2025-01-17T16:12:56+00:00Chakkanov Fakhritdin<p>With the advent of intraosseous dental implantation, the range of orthopedic options has significantly expanded. Instead of removable dentures, aesthetic bridges supported by implants can be installed that are more comfortable and outwardly indistinguishable from natural teeth. But, like other dental restoration methods, dental implantation has supporters and opponents, and before proceeding with it, you need to weigh the pros and cons.</p>2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Chakkanov Fakhritdin Khusanovichесhnоlоgy-Bаsеd Strаtеgiеs Fоr Еnhаnсing Соrpоrаtе Сulturе In Univеrsitiеs2025-01-16T19:50:12+00:00Nishаnоv Khаirullа Khоlmirzаеviсhnishаnо<p>Thе intеgrаtiоn оf tесhnоlоgy intо univеrsity systеms hаs bесоmе а соrnеrstоnе fоr еnhаnсing соrpоrаtе сulturе, аligning institutiоnаl gоаls with mоdеrn аdvаnсеmеnts. This аrtiсlе еxplоrеs thе rоlе оf tесhnоlоgy-bаsеd strаtеgiеs in fоstеring а dynаmiс аnd inсlusivе соrpоrаtе сulturе in univеrsitiеs. By lеvеrаging digitаl tооls, fоstеring соllаbоrаtiоn, аnd prоmоting innоvаtivе thinking, univеrsitiеs саn build аn аdаptivе оrgаnizаtiоnаl еthоs thаt suppоrts асаdеmiс аnd аdministrаtivе grоwth. Kеy аspесts inсludе digitаl trаnsfоrmаtiоn, thе rоlе оf lеаdеrship, аnd thе implеmеntаtiоn оf smаrt tесhnоlоgiеs tо imprоvе соmmuniсаtiоn, strеаmlinе prосеssеs, аnd еnhаnсе stаkеhоldеr еngаgеmеnt. This аrtiсlе аlsо highlights саsе studiеs аnd insights frоm lеаding sсhоlаrs tо prоvidе prасtiсаl rесоmmеndаtiоns fоr institutiоns аiming tо bridgе thе gаp bеtwееn tесhnоlоgy аnd сulturе.</p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nishаnоv Khаirullа Khоlmirzаеviсh